
Monday 29 March 2021

We made play dough.

 WALT: follow instructions.

We watched a video about how to make play dough on youtube. We then made a list of all the things we needed to make it. We got all the ingredients that we needed and we mixed them together to make the play dough. We added food colouring to change the colour. 

This is what you need to make our play dough:

- 1 cup of flour

- 1/2 a cup of salt

- 1/2 a cup of water

- Food colouring

You will need a bowl and something to mix with.

Add all the ingredients together and mix until it makes a dough. 

We liked that we got to mix the dye into the play dough, playing with it at home, seeing the colours come together, squishing the play dough and playing with it at the end.
Next time we want to make more colours, make shapes out of the play dough and make even more of it. 

 Do you like our play dough?

Would you like to make this play dough? 

Thursday 11 March 2021

Mixing Colours.

 WALT- create art using shaving cream and food colouring. 

What you need:

1. Shaving Cream

2. Food Colouring- green, blue and red

3. Popsicle stick to mix 

4. Paper

5. Tissues

6. Ruler

7. A tray

Put the shaving cream into the tray. Add the food colouring to the foam, spread it out. Mix the colours into the foam. Get your paper and dip it into the shaving foam. Lightly tap the paper so it touches the colours. Carefully take the paper out of the tray. Scrap the rest of the shaving foam off and put your paper some where to dry. 

This is how it went: 

Our favourite part was scraping the extra foam off the paper, cutting out our shapes or pictures, putting the dye into the foam and mixing it, pulling the paper out of the foam. We liked everything!!!
Next time we want to put it in a picture frame, use different colours, use more colours to make it colourful and draw different things. 

Would you want to make this art?
Do you like what we created? 

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Taonga and Koru camp

 Last week on Thursday and Friday we went to camp. Our camp was at Lonsdale park. Lonsdale had a playground, flying fox, bunk beds, sports gear to play bat down, cabins, a wobbly bridge, water slide and a big kitchen.

We loved camp because we got to go on the water slide, we got to go to the beach to swim and use the kayaks! 

Do you like our pictures?

Have you been on camp before? If you have where did you go?

Have you ever been to Lonsdale park?